Ultra-fast photo-catalytic degradation of the azo dyes using Au/ZnO nano-composites


  • Sara Hassan Syeda Mehran University of Engneering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan
  • Abdul majeed
  • Mohammad Younis Talpur
  • Ahmed Raza Sidhu
  • Fatih Durmaz Department of Chemistry, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey




Water resource scarcity is increasing day by day in the present time so it needs an effective treatment of wastewater to grow water availability and economy. Many wastewater treatment technologies have been developed but nano-material sciences also play a vital role. So, in this study, a gold chloride zinc oxide (Au/ZnO) nanocomposite catalyst was synthesized by chemical precipitation method. Methyl Orange, Eriochrome Black Tea, and Brown Cesol Green its mixture was used as model dyes and textile industry wastewater in the degradation studies. The nanocomposite was also characterized by various techniques such as FT-IR, XRD TEM, and Ultra Violet - visible spectrophotometer, the results represent that the FTIR spectrum of nanocomposites shows six-well peaks at different values and it signifies that N-H stretching primary amine, N-H stretching amine salt, O-H bending carboxylic acid and C-I stretching are present in the nanocomposites structure. X-ray diffraction results show eight well peaks at 2-theta from this peak it indicating the existence of a hexagonal phase ZnO structure with Au. The Transmission Electron Microscopy results show that Au is highly spread with small size and uniform morphology over the surface of the ZnO. The UV-visible absorption spectra of nanocomposite samples showed a distinct band center around 350-400nm. The concentration of 0.5ml of 1.0M sodium borohydride, Methyl Orange, Eriochrome Black Tea, and Brown Cesol Green, and five mg of Nanocomposite were used in degradation studies and the result was analyzed with the help of a UV-visible spectrophotometer the average time of complete degradation was from five minutes to nine minutes it is noticed that the prepared Au/ZnO nanocomposite is very effective eco-friendly for the degradation of dyes and wastewater.




How to Cite

Syeda, S. H., Abdul majeed, Talpur, M. Y., Sidhu, A. R., & Durmaz, F. (2024). Ultra-fast photo-catalytic degradation of the azo dyes using Au/ZnO nano-composites. Journal of the Pakistan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 52(2). https://doi.org/10.54693/piche.05221