General Body


  1. It shall consist of all grads of membership of the Institute as outlined in Clause 3.
    • It shall be the supreme body of the Institute
    • Ordinary it shall meet at least once at the Annual General Meeting.
    • President or in his absence of the Vice Presidents shall act as the Chairman of the meeting. In case of the absence of all three, those present will elect a Chairman for the meeting.
  2. The Secretary General will act as Secretary and Convenor of meetings as directed by the President.
  3. The General Body at Annual General meeting will:
    • Consdier and approve the annual report and the balance sheet of the Institute as presented by the secretary and the Treasurer on behalf of the Council.
    • Consider the proposal of the Council for the nomination of the President of the Institute for the following year.
      In case of difference of opinion by the General Body about the nomination, the Council will consider its proposal keeping in view the interest of the Institute and wishes of the General Body. In case of deadlock in the nomination of the president by the Council, the General Body may also propose additional alternate name(s) duly seconded. In such a case then, Members by registered post with nominations in it. The voted ballot will be received by the Secretary of the President or his authorized person who will notify the result.
    • Nominate and elect the Vice Presidents, Secretary General, Treasurer, Joint Secretary and eight persons to serve on the Council, as laid down in clause 5(1) and (2). All these persons shall be nominated at or before the Annual Genera Meeting, and if there are not more than one candidate for each office they shall be declared elected. If more than one persons is nominated for any office, then the outgoing Council shall issue secret postal ballots of such nominations and these postal ballots shall be returned and counted in accordance with clause (ii) above. The person shall be declared elected within 7 days after the last date of return of ballots.
    • Consider and pass resolutions and amendments to the Constitution. Amendments to the Constitution will be according to Clause 5(2)(b).
    • Direct such actions for the guidance and perusance of the Council as it may consider desirable to further the objects of the institution.
    • Take decision on matters brought before it by the Council.


  1. Unless otherwise provided, for all decisions at any meeting shall be determined by a majority of those present at the meeting. In the event of equality of votes, the Chairman of such meeting shall be entitled to a casting vote.
  2. Unless otherwise provided for, normally the voting at any meeting shall be by the show of hands. The chairman’s decisions on the count of votes shall be final.
  3. Where there is a provision of voting by ballot, the Chairman shall appoint two tellers for counting the votes. The tellers shall sign the ballot papers as a token of counting. The result will be announced by the Chairman of the meeting.
  4. Each proposal at a meeting will be made by a member and seconded by another, otherwise it will not be considered.
  5. If a notice of any meeting is inadvertently sent to or if any such meeting is inadvertently attended by, or if any votes are cast at such meeting by the person not duly qualified to attend such meeting, the proceedings of that meeting shall not be invalidated; nor shall accidental omission to give notice by a member duly qualified to attend such meeting invalidate the proceedings of any such meeting.
  6. The decision of the Chairman of any meeting in all matters pertaining thereto shall be final.
  7. In any emergency no quorum will be required in the case of a meeting held after its adjournment t for want of quorum. The adjournment for the time and place will be decided by the members present at the time of adjournment, and the business under the agenda previously circulated may be transacted. Views of members sent in writing will be presented at the meting.
  8. Annual General Meeting and meetings to amend the constitution will require 30 days prior notice to members excepting in any emergency.
  9. Council meetings will require seven days notice excepting in an emergency.


  1. The General Body of the Institute shall consist of the following corporate and non-corporate grades:
    • Fellows
    • Members
    • Associate Members
    • Affiliates
    • Student Members
    • Honorary Members
    • Life Fellows/Members
  2. All applications for membership shall be made to the Secretary General on a prescribed proforma and shall be subject to the approval of the Council.
  3. The qualifications and experience for above mentioned grades of memberships shall be as follows.
  • Corporate Grades
    • Fellows
      A candidate for election as Fellow at the time of application shall be a Corporate Member of PIChE and be actively engaged in Chemical engineering profession (or an allied field) and shall be proficient in its principles. In addition, he shall satisfy the council that he fulfills the requirements set forth in one of the following paragraphs.
      • A candidate who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from a recognized University or its equivalent qualifications and has had 10 years’ experience in Chemical Engineering in a responsible capacity.
      • A candidate who holds M.Sc. degree in Chemical technology, Pass Course / Hons. In option (i) and has had atleast 12 years of experience in Chemical Engineering in a responsible capacity
    • Members
      A candidate for election as Member at the time of election shall be actively engaged in Chemical engineering Profession and shall satisfy the council that he fulfills the requirements set forth in one of the following paragraphs:
      • A candidate who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical engineering from a recognized University or its equivalent qualifications and has had 5 years’ experience in Chemical Engineering.
      • A candidate who holds M.Sc degree in Chemical Technology, Pass Course/Hons. In option (i) and has at least 6 years of experience in Chemical Engineering.

        Responsible capacity in above clauses means individual professional responsibility in a chemical engineering assignment including education / research. Chemical Engineering is defined in Appendix ‘A’

  • Non-corporate Grades
    Honorary Members

    The Council may elect any person after getting the due consent of the candidate as an Honorary Member of the Institute who in its option has attained an eminent position in Chemical Engineering profession or an allied field.

    Associate Members

    A candidate for selection as an Associate Member at the time of election should hold a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical engineering from a recognized University or its equivalent qualifications.


    A person holding a diploma in any branch of Science or Engineering other then Chemical Engineering/Chemical Technology and actively associated with Chemical Engineering and allied industries will be eligible to join as an Affiliate of the Institute.

    Student Members

    A candidate for election as a Student Member shall be enrolled as student of a University in a Curriculum for Chemical Engineering/Chemical Technology degree course. Such Membership shall cease with the ceasure of his studentship at the University.

    Life Fellows / Life Members

    The corporate members on the payment of composite fee of Rs.2000.00 may be elected as Life(10 years) Fellow / Life (10 years) Member of the Institute

    1. The Fellow Members only shall be eligible for election to the Honorary Officers of President, Vice-President and Secretary General of the Institute.
    2. The corporate members shall:
      • nominate, second and vote in the election of Honorary Officers and other Executive Members of the Council, 50% of which shall be from amongst Members and 50% from amongst the Fellows of the Institute;
      • propose and vote resolutions and amendments to the Constitution. Adoption of amendments will be subject to the agreement by ¾ voters present at a meeting. Those present at meetings for amending the Constitution shall at least be 1/3rd of the total registered voting corporate members. The amendments to the constitution moved by the Council and sent to the corporate members by post, the replies of the members received thereupon shall be considered as the vote cast by the registered voting member for the purpose; and
      • attend all business meeting of the general body.
    3. All grades of members shall
      • be eligible to receive all the publications of the Institute at reduced rates;
      • be eligible to participate and contribute papers in conferences, seminars, lectures, publications, visits and other activities of the Institute: and
      • propose for the consideration of the Council, ways and means to promote the interests of the Institute.
    4. Following grades shall be entitled to use the initials after their names.
      • Fellow–F.PIChE
      • Member–M.PIChE
      • Associate Member–AM. PIChE
    1. If the dues of any member are in arrears for more than one financial year, he will cease to be a member and his name shall be struck off from the registers of the Institute. He may, however, be eligible for readmission.
    2. Any member committing gross professional misconduct in the opinion of the Council or is convicted for moral turpitude shall cease to be a member.
    1. They shall uphold the dignity of the profession by action, words or writings.
    2. They will not enter into malpractices.
    3. They will discharge their duties honestly.
    4. They will not indulge in immoral acts, injure or attempt to injure, directly or indirectly, professional reputation or business of any other member.

Our Philosophy

The Institute decorates its members for their meritorious services by awarding gold medals and best performance awards

PIChE's Principle

To a professional chemical engineer working in industry based on meritorious professional services

Key Of Success

The nominations are evaluated by the awards committee which makes recommendations. The decisions of the awards committee is final.