About Us

The Institute

  1. The name of the Institution shall be “Pakistan Institute of Chemical Engineers hereinafter called “The Institute”.
  2. The Institute shall consist of Fellows, Members, Associate Members, Honorary Members, Affiliates and Student Members.
  3. The affairs of the Institute shall be directed by:
    • The General Body
    • The Council
  4. The Headquarters of the Institute shall be at Lahore
  5. The official year of the Institute shall be the calendar year i.e. from 1st January to 31st December
  6. The Institute shall be a non-profit making organization devoted solely to professional uplift and service of Society at large.
  7. The Institute shall have its own seal and insignia and shall issue certificates to its members.

The Officers

  • President
    • He will have powers to convene meetings of the General Body or the Council and shall preside over them. If present, he will also preside over lectures and other functions of the Institute. He may nominate any other person to preside over lectures and other functions.
    • He will, on the recommendations of the Secretary, order payments for services procured or expenditure incurred for the Institute subject to any limitation imposed by the Council.
    • He may take decisions he deems fit in emergency on behalf of the Council or General Body. He will subsequently report to the Council of the action taken in such a case.
  • Senior Vice President
    • Senior Vice-Presidents shall act as Chairman of duly convened meetings in the absence of the President and as Acting President on being authorized by the President/OR the Executive Council.
  • Vice President
    • One of the Vice-President shall act as Chairman of duly convened meetings in the absence of the President and as Acting President on being authorized by the President.
  • Secretary General
    • He will be responsible for the efficient execution of the affairs of the Institute.
    • He will act as Secretary at all business meetings of the Institute. However, on his short absence the Joint Secretary or a member nominated by the President will do the work.
    • He will maintain an orderly record of the proceedings of all meetings held on behalf of the Institute
    • He will supervise and direct the work of the employees of the general body and the council
    • He will be incharge of the property of the Institute and maintain its record.
    • He will incur expenditure upto Rs. 500.00 for routine office requirements and in connection with the meetings.
    • He will present the report of activities for approval at the Council meeting before the Annual General Meeting for presenting to the General Body
    • He will notify information to members and officers as required.
    • He will issue ballot appears and appoint, with the approval of the Council, Officers for the election.
    • He will issue ballot appears and appoint, with the approval of the Council, Officers for the election.
    • He will sign the certificate along with the President for all grades of membership.
  • Treasurer
    • He will keep accounts of the funds of the Institute and maintain necessary books for the purpose.
    • He will make payments authorized by the Council or the President or the Secretary General.
    • He will prepare the balance sheet along with an audited report and present it to the Council at a meeting before the Annual General Meeting.
    • He will invest funds under the direction of the Council any part of whole of the balance at any time to the credit of the Institute, in a suitable manner or make such investments as the Council desires.
    • He will receive dues from members and issue receipts and membership cards and shall also maintain a register for members in good standing and in arrears. He will issue reminder notices to the members in arrears.
  • Joint Secretary
    • He will assist the Secretary General in carrying out his Office and other duties of the Institute and in particular he shall help in publications of the Institute and their distribution to its members.
  • In case there is a vacancy of the Office of the President, one of the Vice President will be elected by the Council as President.
  • The vacancies in the Office of the Vice President, Secretary General, Treasurer or Joint Secretary may be filled from amongst Executive members by the President on the approval of the Council.
  • The vacancy in other Council seats may be filled in by the Council at a subsequent meeting.

Our Philosophy

The Institute decorates its members for their meritorious services by awarding gold medals and best performance awards

PIChE's Principle

To a professional chemical engineer working in industry based on meritorious professional services

Key Of Success

The nominations are evaluated by the awards committee which makes recommendations. The decisions of the awards committee is final.